The Server

Whirlwind provides the whirlwind.server.Server class for creating a tornado web server and handling the life cycle of the server.

The simplest case is if you don’t have any setup requirements, for example:

from whirlwind.server import Server

from tornado.web import StaticFileHandler
import asyncio

class MyServer(Server):
    def tornado_routes(self):
        return [
              ( r"/static/(.*)"
              , StaticFileHandler
              , {"path": "/path/to/assets"

final_future = asyncio.Future()
server = MyServer(final_future)

host = ""
port = 9001
await server.serve(host, port)

This will start a server on that serves /path/to/assets under the path /static. It will keep serving until our final_future is finished. Note that in our example above, that never happens. In a real application you would manage the final_future so say it cancels on a SigTERM.

Server end future

The final_future you provide the server is a future that is to be resolved when your program has ended. Whirlwind will use this to know that it should stop the server.

However, it can be nice to end the server before the entire program, and so you can define a separate future that is used instead.

final_future = asyncio.Future()
server_end_future = asyncio.Future()

# The server will end when server_end_future is finished instead of final_future
server = MyServer(final_future, server_end_future=server_end_future)

Alternatively you may implement the wait_till_end method which returns when you want the server to shutdown.

from whirlwind.server import Server
import asyncio

class ServerThatStopsAfterAMinute(Server):
    async def wait_till_end(self):
        # By default it's, ``await self.server_end_future``
        await asyncio.sleep(60)

Extra setup

If you need to create extra objects for your routes then you can implement the setup hook. If you also need to run shutdown logic for your extra objects then you can implement the cleanup hook which will run after the server has stopped.

from my_application import MyRouteHandler, Thing

from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from whirlwind.server import Server
import tornado.web
import asyncio

class MyServer(Server):
    async def setup(self, argument1, argument2):
        self.thing = Thing(argument1, argument2)
        await self.thing.setup()

    async def cleanup(self):
        await self.thing.cleanup()

    def tornado_routes(self):
        return [
              ( r"/one/(.*)"
              , MyRouteHandler
              , {"thing": self.thing

final_future = asyncio.Future()
server = MyServer(final_future)

host = ""
port = 9001
await server.serve(host, port, "argument1", argument2=3)

The positional and keyword arguments after the host and port that are provided to serve will be passed into the setup function.

Setttings for the tornado.web.Application

We create the web server by saying:

async def serve(self, host, port, *args, **kwargs):
    self.server_kwargs = await self.setup(*args, **kwargs)
    if self.server_kwargs is None:
        self.server_kwargs = {}

    self.routes = self.tornado_routes()
    self.http_server = self.make_http_server(self.routes, self.server_kwargs)


def make_http_server(self, routes, server_kwargs):
    Used to make the http server itself

    takes in the result of calling ``tornado_routes()`` and the result of ``setup()``
    # Defaults to a HTTPSServer
    return HTTPServer(self.make_application(routes, server_kwargs))

def make_application(self, routes, server_kwargs):
    """Used to make the WSGI application using tornado"""
    return tornado.web.Application(routes, **server_kwargs)

def announce_start(self):
    """Called after the server has been created and just before it is started"""
    # Defaults to a simple log statement"Hosting server at http://{}:{self.port}")

This means if you have extra arguments to provide to the Application then you can just return them from the setup function. For example if I wanted to setup a cookie secret:

class MyServer(Server):
    async def setup(self, cookie_secret):
        return {"cookie_secret": cookie_secret}

MyServer(asyncio.Future()).serve("", 9001, "sup3rs3cr3t")